Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Did I read this right? President Obama is planning on allowing offshore drilling? Gee, I wonder what the Republicans will have to say about that. Chants of "Drill, 'bama, drill!" perhaps? Hmm. Then again maybe not.
I'm attempting to be a little bit more assertive and proactive with regards to my career. I'm curious to see what happens.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guest starring on tonight's episode of Law & Order SVU : Ann-Margaret, Susan Anton, Jaclyn Smith, and Morgan Fairchild. Apparently it's '70's week on NBC.
I just read a headline that said "Ricky Martin Announces He's Gay Online". My question is, is he only gay online, or other places as well?

Hello? Is there anybody out there?

What?? Still no followers??? Damn you!! Damn you all!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! (It just occured to me that I'm actually talking to myself. Sigh.)

CPL 2.0 - Delicious

How comfortable are you using Best Websites, after this practice? Do you have any tips for using Best Websites on Delicious?

Frankly, I find Delicious to be confusing and much less user friendly then the previous "Best Websites" package. Most of the tags and bundles seem to be far too general for the specific type of questions that get asked on the reference desk. Honestly, I rarely use Delicious. I find it much more simple and time-efficient to go through google, wikipedia, etc.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is it just me, or does the word "blogspot" sound kind of . . . icky.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I was listening to "Quirks and Quarks" on CBC this afternoon. They were interviewing a guy named Dr. Johann Krause. And my first thought was, "Hey! Isn't that the name of the character Seth MacFarlane played in Hellboy 2?" And he kept repeating the phrase "Homo Erectus". And I really really tried not to snicker. And I failed miserably. And then they had someone come on and talk about the mating rituals of the Dung Beetle. And I was pretty much gone at that point.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm actually starting to feel a little bit of pity for Ann Coulter. I suspect, beneath all the hate and vitriol, there's probably a very sad person.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are these thoughts really random? Or is there some kind of a pattern? Only the Shadow knows. And, of course, Cam.
I think it's a sad day when innocent racist-bigot-homophobic-right-wing-nutbars can be viciously mocked by non-violent student protesters.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Apparently the people who suscribe to blogs are reffered to as "followers". Hmm. I'm starting to feel a bit like Jim Jones. Not to worry, though. No purple kool-aid, I promise. Only green beer.
Random thought : I suppose I could just re-post my Facebook status updates on here . . . but that seems like a bit of a cheat.
Random thought : I think Jason Kenney should take Constance's girlfriend to prom.


Question : Which aspect of Web 2.0 are you the most intrigued (or scared) by?

Answer : Folks have told me for the last couple of years that I should start a blog. So, at the moment, I guess this blog is the aspect I'm most intrigued by. This could well change by next week.

Preface and introduction of characters

Greetings! And welcome to Cam's Random Thoughts. Otherwise known as "The Wit and Wisdom of Cam Ascroft . . . and other seldom-heard phrases."

Random thought : My place of business is currently paying me to create my own blog. Mission accomplished!