Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello? Is there anybody out there?

What?? Still no followers??? Damn you!! Damn you all!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! (It just occured to me that I'm actually talking to myself. Sigh.)


  1. I'm following. Just not using google friend connect. Strangely enough I don't really know what that is so I don't use it. I am however following using your rss feed. So no, you are not in fact talking to yourself. You are talking to me and as usual keeping me very entertained. By the way, I think you need twitter, it would be very well suited to your quick quips....hee hee, two q's....

  2. oh and I suppose I should clarify: bullettbabe = Beckie Ullett. Get it? B Ullett. The "babe" is 'cause Rob told me it would be cool, most of the time it just makes me a little self conscious but I've had it for 5 years so its stuck.

  3. Yayy!!! I'm not alone in the universe.

  4. Camalama! I have just joined your blog. I have no idea how this will impact my life. But I've come to the conclusion that I can't shut the technology out forever.

    You said somewhere in here that you were going to focus on being more proactive about your career. I tried that. I'm moving on. I'm going to be more proactive about shedding my Luddite shackles.

    I miss my rotary phone.

  5. Luddite Shackles would be a GREAT band name.
